Day 17


Final Project Ideation

Priming [10 minutes]

Today, you will do a few exercises today to help us understand your goals, generate project ideas, get you onto teams, and start taking on the tasks outlined in the Final Project page. As we did in Mini-Project 3, we have included more guidance for thinking about the ethical issues in your projects as you work and reflect.

Before we send you on a five week journey with two or three of your peers, we are going to have you examine your working preferences and dispositions, so that you can help the instructors assign teams that are well-suited for success - sometimes selecting close friends to work with is not the ideal SoftDes Final Project experience.

Step 1 - Complete personal preferences survey [15 minutes]

Before we launch into the final project, please spend some time thinking about your experiences in Software Design so far, your personal learning goals and values, and your priorities for the upcoming project work.

Complete the Reflection and Teaming Survey, which we will use to inform the creation of project teams.

Step 2 - Explore possibilities with peers [35 minutes]

The room is set up in a special configuration, where tables are numbered and have designated topics for exploration. Instructors will demonstrate how students will move through the room to brainstorm project possibilities within two different sets of domains with two different sets of classmates.

Step 3 - See what others have come up with [15 minutes]

You have time to look at project ideas from your peers in the project possibilities spreadsheet. You can also look back at the results from projects of past semesters (bearing in mind that they may have had a different assignment description and timeline than you will).

Step 4 - Free exploration [15 minutes]

Spend time near topics posted on the wall, talking with peers about opportunities that might challenge you and them.

Step 5 - Complete project idea survey [10 minutes]

Synthesize your thoughts from today’s activities and share them with us by completing the Project Idea Survey. If you have a team (or part of one) in mind or other teaming constraints, you can share them with us here and we will do our best to accomodate.